SHP Scholarships

The General Scholarship Application period is now open.
Each year, the SHP Scholarship Committee awards scholarships to qualified applicants who demonstrate academic and professional achievement in their program and fields.
Scholarships are available for both newly entering matriculated students as well as continuing matriculated students. To be eligible for these scholarships, students must have demonstrated high ethical standards in their coursework and have shown consistent dedication to the subject matter.
Students who have breached the Honor Code, Academic Integrity, or displayed any other “Acts of Misconduct” will not be considered for scholarships.
Most Scholarships are based on financial need and it is highly recommended that applicants complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Apply Now!

Types of Scholarships

Please see below the listing of scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year.   

By completing the SHP Online General Scholarship Application, applicants are considered for each of the scholarships which they are deemed eligible for. Some scholarships may require an additional personal statement (i.e. Kirsch Family Scholarship).

The General Scholarship Application period is now open.

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Scholarship Name Criteria
Kirsch Family Physical Therapy Leadership Scholarship Eligibility: Doctor of Physical Therapy Student entering their second year of study or higher (Admitted 2022 or earlier) , in good academic standing, who has demonstrated active participation and engagement in professional activities on the local, state or national level.
Catherine and Kenneth T. Gill Memorial Endowed Scholarship Eligibility: part-time or full-time graduate or undergraduate student in psychiatric rehabilitation, entering their second year of study (or later) with a minimum GPA of 3.0.  Also taken into consideration will be the student’s previous efforts and contributions to the lives of persons with serious mental illness in a paid, volunteer and/or student capacity.
Champions Endowed Scholarship Based on financial need and academic merit
Estate of Edith Richards Endowed Scholarship Standard SHP scholarship criteria
W. Paul Stillman Endowed Trust Fund Scholarship Standard SHP scholarship criteria
Stanley Bergen Endowed Scholarship Partial-tuition, based on academic excellence and some financial need, must be NJ resident and US citizen
Student Assistance Endowment (NJ Health Foundation Scholarship) Standard SHP scholarship criteria
Wells Fargo Bank Endowed Scholarships for Allied Health Professionals Standard SHP scholarship criteria
SHP Endowed Student Scholarship Scholarship is for full-time SHP students. Selected by a committee of SHP faculty, staff and alumni. Applicant must demonstrate financial need, academic merit and outstanding character.
SHP Scholarship Fund Standard SHP scholarship criteria
SHP Department of Clinical and Preventive Nutrition Sciences – Scholarship For full or part-time Coordinated Dietetics (GPA of 3.0 or better from a dietetic technician program), MSCN, MSCN Entry Level or DCN students in good academic standing in the Department of Clinical and Preventive Nutrition Sciences. Two scholarships will be given each year, one undergraduate and one graduate.
Judith Yannariello, Ph. D. Endowed Scholarship Scholarship for PA Students who will be in their second or third year (Fall 2022 term). See details and criteria on the PA Scholarships tab above.
Dr. Joseph A. Schwenkler Scholarship Fund for PA Students Scholarship for PA Students who will be in their second or third year (Fall 2022 term). See details and criteria on the PA Scholarships tab above.
Dr. Laura Matarese Doctoral Scholarship In the Rutgers School of Health Professions Department of Clinical & Preventive Nutrition Sciences Current DCN Students in good standing – A minimum GPA of 3.65 following completion of at least 12 credits as a matriculated student and has demonstrated commitment to leadership/service to the profession

*Scholarships subject to change

Students who applied using the SHP General Scholarship Application will be notified (awarded or not chosen for an award) by the end of the first week of September. If selected, awards will be posted to students financial accounts.

2023 ASAHP Scholarship of Excellence Is Now Closed.

The Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions in partnership with CastleBranch sponsors a scholarship program for allied health students enrolled in its member schools.

Purpose: The purpose of the scholarship program is to recognize outstanding students in the allied health professions who are achieving excellence in their academic programs and have significant potential to assume future leadership roles in the allied health professions. The selected student will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Starting in 2014, an additional scholarship in the amount of $1,000 and the title of Elwood Scholar is to be awarded to the most outstanding Scholarship of Excellence recipient.


The following criteria must be met to be eligible to receive an ASAHP Scholarship:

  • Candidates must be enrolled in a college or school that is an institutional member of ASAHP.
  • Candidates must have successfully completed at least one term (quarter, semester, trimester, etc.) at that institution.
  • Candidates may be enrolled in any health discipline except those in the nursing, public health, psychology, or MOD-VOPP (medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, podiatry, pharmacy) group.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a career entry-level, degree-granting program; all degree levels are eligible (associate, baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral).
  • Financial need is not a criterion for eligibility.

Nomination Process:

Applicants will submit their application online and will be required to attach the following:

  • Current resume/CV
  • A one-page (not to exceed 200 words) typewritten essay from the nominee that addresses why she/he selected the health profession for which she/he is enrolled and what unique contributions she/he intends to make to the community’s health (Microsoft Word format).

The School of Health Professions will then select and nominate one candidate for consideration to ASAHP where a select group of members (e.g., ASAHP Past-Presidents or Members of the Board of Directors) who will make a determination of which students will be selected to receive scholarships.

Email SHP Students Affairs with any questions regarding this scholarship at

Dr. Laura Matarese Doctoral Scholarship In the Rutgers School of Health Professions Department of Clinical & Preventive Nutrition Sciences

Dr. Laura Matarese, Ph.D., RDN, LDN, CNSC, FADA, FASPEN, FAND is an accomplished clinician, educator, mentor, researcher, and role model who has added substantially to the body of literature addressing gastrointestinal disorders and parenteral and enteral nutrition. She is an alumnus of the Ph.D. in Health Sciences Program Nutrition Track ’07.  In 2020, she was the Recipient of School of Health Profession’s Distinguished Alumnus Award.   Dr. Matarese is a tenured professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine, and has been an adjunct professor at SHP since 2008. Students love her lectures and critical, thoughtful feedback.

Among her many accomplishments: She has worked to introduce new policies and procedures for nutrition interventions to optimize patient care for individuals with HIV, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, and those on parenteral and enteral nutrition. As a clinician, she works with patients who require alternative methods of feeding, including enteral nutrition and IV nutrition for supplemental and total nutrition support. Beyond prescribing feeding regimens, Dr. Matarese’ s expertise, patience, and unique skills help patients adjust to the transition to non-oral feeding regimens.  Dr. Matarese established this scholarship to support doctoral students in the department of clinical and preventive nutrition sciences in part because of the department’s continued commitment to evidence-based nutrition.

Amount of Scholarship – $1000

Scholarship Criteria – Current DCN Students in good standing

GPA/Academic/Professional Requirements

  • A minimum GPA of 3.65 following completion of at least 12 credits as a matriculated student
  • Demonstrated commitment to leadership/service to the profession

Required Documents

Current CV/Resume

Personal Statement – 500 word personal statement addressing

  • Current service to the profession
  • Future career goals
  • Commitment to service and leadership to the profession and service to the public.
  • Include a statement as to your planned course progression and how obtaining this scholarship will help support your completion of the program.
Apply Now

Questions Regarding the Scholarship Application – email

Catherine and Kenneth T. Gill Memorial Scholarship (Psychiatric Rehabilitation Department Students) 


Eligibility: part-time or full-time graduate or undergraduate student in psychiatric rehabilitation, entering their second year of study (or later) with a minimum GPA of 3.0.  Also taken into consideration will be the student’s previous efforts and contributions to the lives of persons with serious mental illness in a paid, volunteer and/or student capacity.


Prepare a brief statement (less 500 words) regarding your interest in serious mental illness and a description of any efforts and contributions to the lives of persons with serious mental illness you have pursued in a paid, volunteer and/or student capacity.

Apply Now


Doctor of Physical Therapy Student entering their second year of study or higher, in good academic standing, who has demonstrated active participation and engagement in professional activities on the local, state or national level.

Application Requirements

CV and Statement: Please include a current CV as well as a brief statement (500 words of less) describing the benefit of professional engagement in your professional development.

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Physician Assistant Program Scholarships

The application cycle is now open. Applications are due Monday March 10, 2025.

Rutgers SHP Physician Assistant Program Endowed Student Service Grant

The Rutgers SHP Physician Assistant Program is committed to facilitating student service experiences and projects for students that will nurture sensitivity to a broad range of cultures and backgrounds, promote empathy, instill social responsibility and expand and strengthen the individual’s sense of self. Another important consideration in student service experiences is the lasting impact of the work on the target community.

In support of this, the Program will annually award one $1,000 grant to a currently enrolled PA student to help offset expenses for a local, domestic or international Service Experience. The grant award must be used for the service experience or project and is not a general scholarship award.

Applications will be blinded and reviewed by a panel that will weigh the merits of the following criteria equally. The panel consists of a minimum of 3 people, comprised of at least two non-student members and one current student member of the PA Program Service Committee.

Criteria for consideration are:

  1. Applicant essay (maximum of 500 words) on why they are motivated to undertake this experience or project, and what they hope to accomplish.
  2. The overall impact of the service experience or project on the health and wellness of the target community or population (as described in the essay, or other supporting materials).
  3. Applicant’s history of past service activities (a curriculum vitae highlighting past volunteer experiences must be submitted with each application).

Submission Instructions (online submission via Scholarship application tab through SHP)

Please submit ONE document with the items listed below. EACH item should be numbered and on a NEW Page but in one editable WORD document.

  • Essay Submission – Please attach a 500-word (maximum) essay stating why you are motivated to undertake this experience and what you hope to accomplish, taking into account the health and wellness of the target population. Consider the grant award criteria noted above.
  • Sponsor Information – For a travel-based experience, provide the sponsoring organization (if available), with link to their website and detailed information on what you will be doing during the experience, as well as your approximate travel dates (if applicable)
  • Project details – For a project-based experience, provide the rationale, purpose, community needs and benefits that support the project.
  • Costs – Please provide a table with estimated breakdown of total costs of the experience (travel, lodging, estimated food costs, insurance, etc.)
  • Resume/CV – Please attach your CV with all past service or volunteer experiences

Additional information:

The experience or project must be completed within 12 months of award notification and occur while the individual is still an enrolled student. Should the student’s experience/project need to be cancelled after the grant award, all monies must be returned to the PA Program.

After completing the experience/project, award recipients will be required to submit a written reflection on their experience and to prepare and present a 30-minute overview about the experience to fellow students during annual National PA week activities in October.

Applicants must be in good standing and have a minimum of a 2.5 grade point average to apply.

If you are interested in applying for this award, please complete and submit the application online.

For any questions, email

Application open (online): December 2024

Application must be submitted online by: Monday, March 10, 2025

After many years as a biomedical researcher, at age 53 Judith Yannariello entered the PA Program in 2011 as a member of the class of 2014. A week into her second year in August, 2012, a visit to her PCP led to hospitalization and an eventual diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Judith had surgery in October followed by chemotherapy and radiation. She finished treatment the following May and returned to the PA program in August, 2013, joining the class of 2015.

GI symptoms reappeared in mid-fall and intensified as the semester went on. But with the support of the faculty and her great work ethic, Judith completed the didactic portion of the program and passed her comps in February, 2014. Her Pinning Ceremony was one of the proudest days of her life, which she celebrated with her husband, Jack Zamboni, and daughter, Coral Brown. Her radiant smile is remembered by everyone who knew her.

She started her first clinical rotation, but her symptoms increased and she was unable to complete the rotation. Recurrence of the cancer was confirmed in April, 2014 and she had to withdraw from the PA program. She enjoyed some quality time with her family that summer, but weakened in the fall and died on October 27, 2014. Though she was unable to complete the PA degree, she was conferred a Certificate of Completion of the didactic portion of the program on the day of her passing.

Judith left a lasting mark on her 2014 and 2015 classmates as well as the PA faculty. To her younger colleagues, she was their “class mom” who offered support and wisdom in dealing with the challenges of both the PA Program and daily life. Her perseverance in the face of adversity was an inspiration to all.

The Judith Yannariello, Ph.D Endowed Scholarship has been established by her family in memory of Judith. It is funded by contributions from her family, many friends, PA Program faculty and Judith’s classmates. Its purpose is to honor her courage, hard work and, above all, her generosity of spirit, and to continue her legacy in the PA Program by supporting students who reflect her character.


In order to be eligible for this scholarship, the student must:

  • Be a student in good academic standing in the second or third year of the Rutgers Physician Assistant Program.
  • Demonstrate financial need through submission of financial aid record.
  • Demonstrate academic effort in his or her own studies.
  • Demonstrate an unselfish commitment to assisting other students academically and personally.
  • Demonstrate a caring and supportive influence on other members of the class.
  • Communicate an interest to work in primary care as a physician assistant.

The applicant should complete and submit the online SHP General Scholarship Application (indicating interest in the Judith Yannariello scholarship), complete the FAFSA with Financial Aid, submit an essay highlighting how he or she meets the above criteria.

Students who applied using the SHP General Scholarship Application will be notified (awarded or not chosen for an award) by the end of the first week of September. If selected, awards will be posted to students financial account.

Apply Now

Joe Schwenkler

Dr. Joseph A. Schwenkler was a family physician for nearly 40 years and Medical Director for the Rutgers University Physician Assistant Program for 10 years until his passing in 2015. Dr. Schwenkler made an unprecedented impact on the integration of PAs into the medical community of New Jersey. He piloted one of the first family practice settings to utilize PAs and continued to advocate for the profession on a State and National platform through the New Jersey Society for Physician Assistants (NJSSPA) and the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA).

“Dr. Joe,” as he was endearingly referred to, also had a passion for technology and its impact on the advancement of medical care. Not only was he a founding partner of two successful local practices in Hunterdon County, he pioneered utilization of Electronic Medical Records, writing code for early versions of their system. Clearly a physician ahead of his time, he saw the transformational impact of electronic health records in reforming quality of care, patient safety, productivity and improved efficiency.

During his tenure as Medical Director of the PA Program, he became a champion for Inter-professional Education (IPE). In alignment with his support for PAs, Dr. Joe was instrumental in supervising a faculty-run volunteer clinic, allowing members of the community access to care from a team of professionals, including pharmacy and nutrition, through a primary care platform. He advocated for IPE and spearheaded the first school-wide IPE event, involving over 300 students from 10 different disciplines coming together and learning teamwork, roles, communication and ethics.

He completed a BS in Physician Assistant at Rutgers followed by his MD from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and completed a residency at Hunterdon Medical Center.

Dr. Joe was widely beloved by his students as he had been by his former patients, and led the education of hundreds of Physician Assistants now serving communities across the country. He was dedicated to improving the health of the community by advancing the education and training of physician assistants.


  1. Be a student in good academic standing in the second or third year of the SHP Physician Assistant Program (as of Fall 2022).
  2. Demonstrate financial need through submission of the financial aid record (FAFSA)
  3. Demonstrate effort to advocate for the PA profession
  4. Reflect on the role of inter-professional practice and/or technology in addressing the needs of the patient, the practice, or the community.

Scholarship Process:

The applicant should complete and submit the online SHP General Scholarship Application (indicating interest in the Joseph A. Schwenkler scholarship), complete the FAFSA with Financial Aid, submit an essay highlighting how he or she meets the above criteria.

Students who applied using the SHP General Scholarship Application will be notified (awarded or not chosen for an award) by the end of the first week of September. If selected, awards will be posted to students financial account.

Apply Now
External Scholarships

Drug Rehab USA is proud to introduce the Mental Health Scholarship, a $2,000 award designed to support aspiring mental health professionals dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals and communities. We believe in the transformative power of education and recognize the profound influence that mental health professionals can have on societal well-being.

About The Mental Health Scholarship


Open to students enrolled in any mental health degree program, including psychology, psychiatric nursing, and related fields.

Applicants must be committed to making a difference in the mental health field and demonstrate a passion for improving the lives of others.

Applicants must have an email to enter.

Application Process:

  • Submit a compelling piece of content (essay, video, artwork, or any creative medium) explaining why you are pursuing a mental health degree and outlining the positive impact you aspire to make.
  • Essays should be between 500-800 words, and videos should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • Express your passion creatively and authentically.
  • Clearly address why you chose a mental health degree and how you envision contributing to the field.
  • Must be a current student at any University in the United States, using your student email for eligibility.
  • Selection Criteria: A panel of mental health professionals and educators will evaluate submissions based on clarity of purpose, impactful vision, creativity and originality, and a genuine passion for mental health.

Important Details:

  • All submissions must be received by Jan 1st, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered.
  • The selected recipient will be awarded $2,000 to support their education and journey toward becoming a mental health professional.

How To Enter: Please email using your .edu email from the university you are attending.

Learn more about our scholarship here:

With the explosion of need for mental health professionals, we hope that you could help us spread the word about our scholarship by adding it to your webpage external scholarships tab located:

Education helps set a person up for life, but the associated costs could sometimes be astronomical. We’re offering a one-time financial reward for high school seniors and college students enrolled in any university program, especially medical, culinary, and aesthetics courses.

We’re giving away $3,000 to one deserving student to help pay for books, tuition, or other educational expenses so they can be a step closer to achieving their goals.

Scholarship Details
Name of Program: WellBefore Scholarship
Fund Worth: $3,000 (one-time reward)

Deadline of Application: Jan 4, 2025

For further information, please visit the website at

About This Mental Health Scholarship
Welcome to the Drug Rehab USA Mental Health Scholarship, a beacon of support for aspiring mental health professionals dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals and communities. This scholarship, valued at $2,000, aims to recognize and reward students pursuing degrees in mental health fields. We believe in the transformative power of education and the profound influence mental health professionals can have on the well-being of society.

The Drug Rehab USA Mental Scholarship is open to students enrolled in any mental health degree program, including but not limited to psychology, counseling, social work, psychiatric nursing, and other related fields. Applicants must be committed to making a difference in the field of mental health and demonstrate a passion for improving the lives of others.

You must have an email to enter.

Application Process:
To apply for The Drug Rehab USA Mental Scholarship, interested candidates must submit a compelling piece of content that explains why they are pursuing a mental health degree and outlines the difference they aspire to make in the future. This content can take various forms, including an essay, video, artwork, or any creative medium that effectively communicates the applicant’s story and vision.

Submission Guidelines

  • Length: Essays should be between 500-800 words, while videos should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • Creativity: Applicants are encouraged to express their passion creatively and authentically.
  • Relevance: The content should clearly address why the applicant has chosen a mental health degree and how they envision contributing to the field.
  • Current Student: Must be a current student at any University in The Unites States.
  • Student Email: You must use your student email to be eligible for this scholarship.

Selection Criteria:
A panel of mental health professionals and educators will evaluate submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity of Purpose: How well does the applicant articulate their motivation for pursuing a mental health degree?
  • Impactful Vision: Does the applicant effectively convey the positive difference they aspire to make in the future?
  • Creativity and Originality: To what extent does the content showcase the applicant’s unique perspective and creativity?
  • Passion for Mental Health: Does the applicant demonstrate a genuine passion for mental health and a commitment to improving the lives of others?

This Scholarship is Annual

All submissions must be received by Jan 1st, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered.

The selected recipient of The Drug Rehab USA Mental Scholarship will be awarded $2,000 to support their education and journey toward becoming a mental health professional. The scholarship funds can be used for tuition, books, or other educational expenses.

We look forward to receiving inspiring stories and visions from passionate individuals committed to making a lasting impact on mental health. Together, let’s empower minds and foster a brighter, more compassionate future.

Click here to enter using an an .edu email from the university you are attending.

Please email using an .edu email from the university you are attending.

Note: All applications must be completed and submitted upon immediate accessing. There is no option to save and return to the application at a later time.
When applying for SHP scholarships, be sure to read the application directions carefully and follow all directions. Incomplete and late applications will be disqualified.  Awarded students will be notified by the first week of September and will have funds applied directly to their student account.
Students who applied using the SHP General Scholarship Application will be notified (awarded or not chosen for an award) by the end of the first week of September. If selected, awards will be posted to students financial account.
Learn more about  Financial Aid.
If you have any questions, please email Student Affairs @