New Student – Services and Information
Welcome to the School of Health Professions. Whether you are starting your educational journey, continuing your education, or switching careers, we are here to help. Before you get started there are a few items to complete, including the SHP Orientation and Welcome Session (in-person or online).
Welcome to SHP! Each SHP academic program has their own specific orientation which you may have already received information for or will receive information in the future directly from your programs. To get started with SHP’s New Student Online Orientation, click on Get Started button and select your Program from the top. This will produce your requirements list for the orientation as decided by your program. “Other Information” is provided to help you navigate the resources offered at SHP.
All incoming SHP students must complete the online Welcome Session before the first day of class in your first semester in your program. This session is meant to welcome our new students as well as advise of the many student support services and resources available to you as an SHP and Rutgers student.
Please note that this online session is in addition to both the SHP Online Student Orientation as well as any SHP program specific orientations.
The Online Welcome Session is available in Canvas at This module includes several video presentations advising students about the services and resources available to you as an all SHP student.
After you have successfully set up your new Rutgers SHP email account, you may log into your Canvas account.
Self-enroll in the Online Welcome Session here.
Once you are enrolled, complete the course requirements (including watching the videos). When you are able to view your completion certificate at the end, an email will be sent to Student Affairs confirming you have completed the module and you will be marked as compliant.
Please email with any questions regarding the training.
The Rutgers University Ethics and Compliance Department has rolled out the new RU Learning: HIPAA Basics and Best Practices Compliance Training. All new students are required to complete this training. Continuing students will complete the training on an annual basis.
Please read the information below before accessing the training The training can be accessed here –
University Ethics and Compliance (UEC) is excited to launch RU Learning, our new online training system, with HIPAA Basics & Best Practices. One of UEC’s objectives is to consistently identify ways to develop and provide an engaging learning experience for our community. The RU Learning platform ensures we meet our regulatory requirements and provides our community with the knowledge and information necessary to help them remain compliant with our obligations under HIPAA. RU Learning is a pivotal next step in that effort.
HIPAA Basics and Best Practices is a required training for all individuals who are in a department which interacts with protected health information (PHI). Even if you don’t personally work with patients, the training will serve as a guide so that you are aware of your duties and responsibilities as it relates to properly safeguarding PHI. The HIPAA Basics and Best Practices module will discuss basics you may already be familiar with, review some key concepts, and provide you with the steps you should take to report any concerns.
The system is flexible and allows you to access training on any device with an internet connection, there’s also an app for easy download from the App Store or Google Play (search for Learner Mobile).
To access the training from your browser, go to and click the University Login button and use your NetID and password. The system works best on Google Chrome browser, but any updated browser should be compatible.
If you have any questions or issues, you can review our Frequently Asked Questions here:
If you see a potential breach or want to report an issue call the Compliance Helpline: 833.783.8442 or report it online at any time.
If you have any questions, please contact our office at or 973.972.8000
All new students are required to complete the SHP Academic Integrity training module before the first day of their first semester (please note specific programs may have earlier deadlines which must be followed).
To self enroll in the Canvas module, please click here.
Please note that once you have completed the course requirements and are able to view your completion certificate, you have completed the module. An email will be sent to the Office of Student Affairs and you will be marked as compliant within one to two business days. Failure to complete these required trainings may lead to a Student Affairs hold being placed on student accounts, affecting upcoming registration.
Please email if you you have questions.
The “Do R Part: Understanding and Responding to Interpersonal Violence” training has replaced the “Not Anymore – Sexual Prevention” training. Rutgers Health prides itself on providing an enlightening college experience, which demands a safe and healthy student environment. To that end, we are requiring all Rutgers Health students to complete a “Do R Part: Understanding and Responding to Interpersonal Violence” online course. This training program will provide you with critical information about Consent, Bystander Intervention, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, Stalking, and much more. This violence prevention training will help you to better understand how vitally important these issues are and what you can do to help make your college campus safer.
The online program is currently available to take for all Rutgers Health students, but it is required for all incoming students or students changing majors, who have not already completed the training. The course takes approximately 1 hour to complete, and you must earn at least 80 percent on the final assessment in program to successfully complete the course. In the event you do not pass, you will be prompted to retake the final assessment until you achieve this score. The program also will allow you to review the program videos before you retake the post-test. Failure to complete this critical program can impact your continued enrollment and will result in registration holds until you successfully complete the training.
REMINDER: Only students who are NEW to RBHS, or changing majors, and have not previously completed the training with Rutgers is required to complete the training.
Instructions to Access the “Do R Part: Understanding & Responding to Interpersonal Violence” Online Module:
Step 1: Visit the Rutgers canvas portal at:
Step 2: Click the NetID Login button and enter your NetID and password.
Step 3: You’ll be brought to your Course Dashboard. To find this course, click the courses option in the left-hand red bar.
Step 4: Once selecting the “Do R Part” course, you will be guided to the Assignments page. Click on the link to the “RBHS: Do R Part” module.
Step 5: When in the platform, click the Start Course button and scroll through to complete, engaging with all activities in the six sections, including the quizzes.
Step 6: The course is complete when you’ve reviewed all sections, and the left-hand bar in the platform shows 100%.
If you have difficulty with this training program or do not see the course in your Course Dashboard, please contact VPVA at:
The training contains sensitive material involving sexual and interpersonal violence. While resources are provided throughout the program, we understand such programming may be distressing for some viewers. Please contact the RBHS Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) Director Kerry Camerer at for confidential support and/or to discuss alternatives to completing the course.
For the SHP Honor Code, click here.
As espoused in the Faculty/Student Honor Code of SHP, it is essential for all faculty and students to observe high standards of honesty and integrity in all aspects of education, practice and research.
All faculty and students should be familiar with our Honor Code and embrace its principles in theory and practice. Abiding to these standards is the hallmark of a true professional.
Integrity at SHP
We invite all programs to share activities they use to incorporate the Honor Code into the development of their students. Some examples are listed below.
Student signing the honor code
SHP Physician Assistant Class of 2013 “Integrity Pledge Ceremony”
Each year, the PA program’s incoming classes participate in group discussions, hold small group sessions and discuss hypothetical scenarios related to academic integrity. When the sessions are concluded, the students all return to a central location where they are asked to sign a blown-up poster version of the PA program honor code.
The signed “poster” and picture are then framed and hung in a prominent location near the student mailboxes where it can be readily seen as a reminder of their pledge to help maintain an environment of strict academic integrity and to uphold the Rutgers/SHP honor code at all times.
…. The Act Of Representing Another’s Work, Thoughts And Ideas As Your Own.
Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional.
Regardless, it is still considered a type of fraud as well as cheating. Citing facts or knowledge that everyone knows is not considered plagiarism. (e.g., “North America is a continent”).
Plagiarism is:
- Copying and pasting from journals, websites and electronic documents without a citation.
- Using the exact words from a document or oral presentation without a citation.
- Paraphrasing someone else’s thoughts or ideas without a citation.
- Using a chart or graph without permission from the author AND a citation.

Generally plagiarism can be avoided by simply citing the source of your information, and using quotation marks when you copy text exactly as presented.
Read publication manuals like the Modern Language Association, the Chicago Manual of Style or the American Psychological Association for proper citation methods.
The School of Health Professions has a detailed policy on plagiarism.
For more detailed information and examples on plagiarism, follow the links below.
- Rutgers Library Plagiarism “How to Avoid Plagiarism: An On-line Tutorial”
- Accredited Schools Online “Understanding & Preventing Plagiarism”
- Rutgers University Youtube Video
Instructor Videos (see bottom of page after clicking)
* Getting Started
* Setting Up and Submitting Assignments
* Evaluating Originality Reports
* Providing Feedback and Grading
Instructor QuikStart Guide Web page (click on image to navigate to web page)
Instructor User Manual PDF (click on image to navigate to web page)