Student Leadership

Rutgers School of Health Professions encourages all students to take advantage of extracurricular opportunities. The SHP’s Student Government Association and Student Organizations gives students an opportunity to collaborate with other students as student leaders.


How can you get involved?

  • Join the SHP Student Government Association!
  • Join an existing student organization or start your own student organization!
  • Attend on one of the many workshops offered by Student Affairs and the Academic Success Center

If you have any questions about the SGA or student organizations, then please contact

Meet our 2025 Student Government Association

Nichole Geist
Jessica Shulak
Theivanai Deepa Ramanathan
Genesis Tan
Doronella Crawford

About the SGA


Rutgers School of Health Professions Student Government Association (SGA) offers students the opportunity to make the most of their college or graduate experience by representing the student body as an advocate and a leader. 

Students involved with the SGA will learn important management, communication, and interpersonal skills. Board members will collaborate as a team, providing a forum for School of Health Professions students’ interests and concerns.  The SGA is expected to work closely with Student Affairs to address student needs, and help plan important school-wide events.

The SGA provides a path for involved students in initiatives that will enhance interdisciplinary experiences among students, and further the school’s mission. Students will have the opportunity to plan community service activities, and participate in trainings to develop leadership and interpersonal communication skills.

Calling all students! Nominate yourself or a fellow student to be a member of the Student Government Association Executive Board! Nominations can be submitted at any time. Please contact with any questions.
Online nomination Form
Student body = all matriculated students enrolled at the School of Health Professions
Student Government Association (SGA) = Governmental organization to represent the student body. The SGA includes the Executive Board, one representative from each student organization, and at-large representatives.

Qualifications to serve in the SGA as an Executive Board member or At-Large Representative
1. Registered SHP matriculated student in at least their 2nd semester (6 minimum credits); maintaining good academic standing.
2. No student code of conduct reported infractions.
3. Recommendation from an SHP administrator or faculty member

Executive Board (Student Government Officers) officers are elected by a majority vote. All officers must provide service to the college to enhance the life and activities of SHP students. All officers must inform Student Affairs of changes in status of qualifications to stay in office. All officers must participate in student leadership training or other professional development activities provided.

The SGA executive board includes the following:
• President
• Vice President
• Treasurer
• Secretary

Student Government Officer Position Descriptions

President Duties:
1. Plans/presides all SGA meetings, and suggests policies
2. Chairs all meetings, follows the Robert’s Rules of Order (
3. Appoints all standing/special committees and will be an ex-officio member of all of them, ensures there is representation on all committees
4. Represents student body at all college ceremonies/events
5. Votes only in case of a tie
6. Available via email to assist with SGA matters

Vice President Duties:
1. Attends all SGA and executive board meetings
2. Coordinates all committees approved or appointed by the President
3. Acts as Sergeant-at-Arms at all meetings of the SGA
4. Must be knowledgeable of regulations, guidelines, by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order
5. Assumes the powers and duties of the President in his/her absence

Treasurer Duties:
1. Attends all SGA meetings and executive board meetings
2. Keeps an itemized account of ledger receipts and expenditures of the SGA, make available a written report at meetings as needed. Will provide a final report due at the end of each academic year.
3. Examines all SGA bills for proof of validity of payment
4. Maintains financial records at all times

Secretary Duties:
1. Attends all SGA meetings and executive board meetings
2. Keeps a permanent record of all meetings of the SGA or designate someone to do so on their behalf
3. Ensures the availability of the records at all times
4. Will carry on the correspondence pertaining to affairs of the SGA as designated by the president
5. Relays content to Student Affairs for SGA website and communications

Organization Representatives
Each authorized and active student organization must select one member to represent that organization at the SGA meetings as an officer of the organization, and liaison between the SGA and the organization. This person will attend SGA meetings and present reports to the SGA from their organization as requested.

Student Government-At-Large Representatives Students who are not executive officers, and not serving as an SGA student organization representative, who desire to serve on the SGA may serve as representatives-at-large, upon the approval of the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and the majority vote of the elected SGA members.

Ready to get involved? Apply now to be a member of SGA!

A unique opportunity is currently available to SHP students. Now is the time to create clubs, organizations and societies that will enhance the Rutgers SHP experience. To do this, become a Student Government Association At-Large Representative. Complete the following application to nominate yourself!  Visit the links below to get started.

The SGA nomination period and election for all executive board positions is going on now!

To nominate yourself you must meet the SGA requirements (outlined in members descriptions), complete a nomination form, and have an SHP administrator or faculty member complete a recommendation form on your behalf. All nomination forms go directly to the SHP Office of Student Affairs for review.

The nomination period for the new SHP Student Senator opens annually in February and closes on April 1st of each year. The Rutgers University Senate is a university-wide deliberative body consisting of representatives of Rutgers faculty, students, staff, administrators, and alumni. The Senate meets with or nine times during the academic year to consider matters of general University interest, and to make recommendations to the University administration on those matters. The meetings are typically held monthly at locations such as Rutgers New Brunswick. Please contact the senate for more information about meeting times. Candidates must be able to travel.

SHP Nomination Period – Nominations may be submitted online by no later than April 1st using this Nomination Form. After April 1st, we will ask each nominee for a candidacy statement (200 word max), which will be used in the elections to follow.

Eligibility – To be eligible for the SHP Student Senate position, the candidate should be an SHP current student in good standing and should not be graduating before the end of their Student Senator term.

Questions – For any questions, please email For more information about the Rutgers Senate please visit their website @ .

Adriel Fernandez NCC/LAC, Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Counseling Ph.D. StudentAdriel Fernandez NCC/LAC, Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Counseling Ph.D. Student

As a student ambassador for the school of health professions I hope to be an advocate for my peers. In these unsettling times, the students of the school of health professions deserve to have an ambassador who is willing to advocate and defend their rights as students. Additionally, having an ambassador who can serve as a bridge between faculty and students to help improve communication can be beneficial to all involved. I believe that I am uniquely qualified for this role, and I will complete my duties with courage, integrity, and commitment to my peers.


Catherine Ivasyuk, MS Speech Language Pathology StudentCatherine Ivasyuk, MS Speech Language Pathology Student
I am eager to apply for a position on this committee because my background in Speech-Language Pathology and passion for helping people will allow me to contribute meaningfully to the committee’s goals. I am committed to working collaboratively with other members to address challenges and find solutions that align with the committee’s mission. I am also excited to develop my leadership skills further while supporting the organization’s strategic objectives. Joining this committee would allow me to actively participate in creating positive change and advancing initiatives that matter to both the committee and the community.


Erin Roberts-Mccarthy, Doctor of Health Informatics Student
Erin Roberts-Mccarthy, Doctor of Health Informatics Student
As a Student Senator, I hope to ensure students are aware of their rights in these uncertain times. My goal is to improve communication between faculty and students and to put policies in place that will guide us in navigating this unpredictability from the highest office. I also advocate for fully remote students and our involvement in the wider Rutgers community during the development of job opportunities and scholarships, student resources, and wider policies impacting students.