
News & Announcements

4February 2019

Service Learning in the Dominican Republic

February 4, 2019|

DPT Students Volunteer in Dominican Republic Four students in the Rutgers School of Health Professions physical therapy program spent winter break splitting their time between helping patients in a small Dominican Republic village manage their pain, and [...]

18January 2019

Call for Nominations

January 18, 2019|

Call for Nominations Nominations for the 2018-19 SHP Awards of Excellence are now being accepted.  The awards recognize students, faculty, volunteers, and alumni for outstanding accomplishments in their field, or service to the school and larger community. [...]

12December 2018

Psych Rehab Student Wins Counseling Award

December 12, 2018|

Student Wins Counseling Award Nada Samo, a student in our M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling program, was the recipient of the Nancy Jaeger Award for Excellence in Counseling. The award was given to Samo by Ramapo College. Samo, [...]