Unlock Your Future: Pursue Your RHIA Bachelor’s Degree Online with Rutgers

Our Health Information Management program prepares students to work with health information in different capacities and various healthcare settings. Our well-rounded curriculum includes informatics, data analytics, compliance, medical coding, performance improvement, and management.

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Why Study Health Information Management
at SHP?

As our curriculum incorporates medicine, management, finance, information technology, and law throughout the program, graduates can choose from a wide variety of careers. Places that hire health information professionals include hospitals, rehab centers, private health care practices, software companies, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and research laboratories.

* average salary of a Health Information Management graduate.

* American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)

Program Highlights

Nationally ranked as one of the top online HIM programs, our graduates are prepared for over 75 careers intersecting medicine, science, business and information technology.

  • Rutgers BSHIM Program is listed #3 in College Factual, “2025 Best Health Information Management Schools” ranking
  • According to the Healthcare Management Degree Guide rankings, Rutgers BSHIM program is listed #16.
  • Program follows a hybrid model with didactic courses offered through our Learning Management System and are supported with synchronous and asynchronous sessions providing flexibility for students.
  • The cohort model groups students together for an enhanced educational experience which fosters academic success by creating a supportive learning environment and opportunities for collaboration and real-world experience.
  • 100% retention rate for academic year 2021-2022.
  • 80% of our 2023 graduates completed the program and graduated within 2 years
  • Graduates are prepared for over 75 careers intersecting medicine, science, business and information technology
  • Experienced faculty provide support and mentoring

Program Overview

Dasantila SherifiProgram Director

Dasantila Sherifi
Program Director

Our HIM program mission is to educate students to improve the management and use of information within the healthcare industry. Our vision is for the Health Information Management Program to be the leading program for research and education in health information management statewide.

The Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management program (BSHIM) is a 61-credit curriculum offered in a hybrid model by the Rutgers School of Health Professions. It builds upon prior specific course work, and it provides the foundation for the HIM students through synchronous and asynchronous curriculum. Students apply after having completed general education courses at other institutions, or one of our affiliate colleges or universities.

During the last semester of their studies, students complete a Management Affiliation course which requires 75 hours under in a healthcare facility or under the supervision of a health information professional.

Course Teachings
Didactic courses (58 credits of the program) are taught online. The Management Affiliation course, completed during the last semester of the program requires students to complete 75 hours in a healthcare organization.

The most recent student data from the 2022-2023 academic year indicates many program successes including:

  • 95% retention rate for academic year 2022-2023.
  • 80% of our 2023 graduates completed the program and graduated within 2 years
  • 20% of our 2023 graduates completed the program and graduated within 3 years
  • 77.4% of our 2023 graduates are employed within 1 year of completing the degree
  • 13% of our 2023 graduates continued their studies towards a graduate degree in HIM, Rutgers MSHIM

The program is based on the competencies required by the American Health Information Association (AHIMA) which include:

  1.  Data Structure, Content, and Information Governance
  2.  Information Protection: Access, Use, Disclosure, Privacy, and Security
  3.  Informatics, Analytics, and Data Use
  4.  Revenue Cycle Management
  5.  Health Law & Compliance
  6.  Organizational Management and Leadership

These competencies are consistent with the requirements of our accrediting agency, the Commission on Accreditation of Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM).

The demand for health information professionals is on the rise, due to an aging population and an increase in the number of insured citizens.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of health information technicians is projected to grow 17 percent from 2014 to 2024, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. Below are links to statistics on various STEM positions related to our health information management degree.

 Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) LogoThe Health Information Management accreditor of Rutgers University is the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). The College’s accreditation for the baccalaureate degree in Health Information Management has been reaffirmed through 2029-2030.
All inquiries about the program’s accreditation status should be directed by mail to CAHIIM, 200 East Randolph Street, Suite 5100, Chicago, IL, 60601; by phone at (312) 235-3255; or by email at info@cahiim.org.

Program Requirements

HIM Program Options
Area of Comparison MSHIM BSHIM Certificate in HIM Medical Coding Certificate
Degree Master of Science in HIM Bachelor of Science in HIM Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in HIM Academic Certificate in Medical Coding
Accreditation Status CAHIIM accreditation in process; in Candidacy Status Accredited by CAHIIM Accredited by CAHIIM  
Eligibility to sit for the RHIA exam Yes Yes Yes N/A
Certifications that may be pursued with this education RHIA, CHDA, CHPS RHIA, CCA, CCS, CCS-P, CHDA, CHPS RHIA, CHDA, CHPS CCA, CCS, CCS-P
Starting point Fall Fall Fall Fall
Number of Credits 36 61 49 21
Program length- FT 2 years 2 years (includes 1 summer) 2 years (includes 1 summer; 1 year FT; 1 year PT) N/A
Program length- PT 3 years 3 years 3 years (includes 2 summers) 2 years
Course offering 100% Online Online (except for PPE) Online (except for PPE) 100% Online
Professional Practice Experience (PPE) None 75 hours during the last semester (Spring) 75 hours during the last semester (Spring) None
Admissions requirements
  1. Application with application fee
  2. A bachelor’s degree
  3. College-level statistics
  4. Min GPA 3.0
  5. Personal statement
  6. 2 letters of recommendation
  7. CV or Resume
  8. Computer literacy
  1. Application with application fee
  2. Minimum 59 credits* in specific general education courses (typically satisfied by an AA or AS degree)
  3. Anatomy & Physiology (8 credits*)
  4. College-level math (3 credits*)
  5. College-level statistics (3 credits*)
  6. Computer literacy
  1. Application with application fee
  2. A bachelor’s degree
  3. Anatomy & Physiology (8 credits*)
  4. College-level math (3 credits*)
  5. College-level statistics (3 credits*)
  6. Computer literacy
  1. Application with application fee
  2. A high school diploma or GED
  3. Anatomy & Physiology (8 credits*)
  4. Computer literacy

* Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Admission Criteria

Application deadline for fall admission: May 15

Requirements for all health information management degree and certificate programs:

  • Apply for the Bachelor of Health Information Management.
  • An overall minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
  • 59 credits of general education prerequisite courses with a grade of C or better. In addition to general education courses in writing and liberal arts and sciences, prerequisites must include: Anatomy and Physiology (8 credits), College Algebra (3 credits), Statistics (3 credits), and Computer Science.
  • Submission of essay stating why applicant has selected HIM as a program and/or profession.
  • Submission of official transcripts* of all previous college courses as well as an updated transcript from the affiliate institution, if applicable.
  • Submission of documentation indicating courses in progress and/or to be completed prior to enrollment**

Students take pre-requisites at an affiliate school or any other regionally accredited school. Students pursuing the Solo Degree option should complete the course requirements outlined at the curriculum page: https://apps.shp.rutgers.edu/projects/CourseCatalog/RGs/RGview.cfm?pcode=HIM1

Affiliate schools have a minimum number of pre-requisite courses required. Students should also apply directly to those institutions.

Those with a previous bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution who do not wish to earn a second degree may pursue a certificate in HIM.  In order to maintain eligibility for the RHIA credentialing exam, the certificate is 49 credits to cover the required competencies.

Pre-requisite Courses
(may be transferred from previous degree if passed with grade of C or better within the past 10 years)

Applicants must show that prerequisite courses are complete or in progress with planned completion prior to the Fall start of HIM courses. 

Algebra for Coll. Stud. (3) (or higher math) 3
Statistics (3) 3
Human Anatomy & Physiology (8) 8
Computer Science

Those with a previous baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution within the United States or a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university outside the US are not required to complete any of the general education courses other than the prerequisites listed below. An applicant who holds a degree from an accredited college or university will apply as a second-degree student.

Pre-requisite Courses
(may be transferred from previous degree if passed with grade of C or better within the past 10 years).  

Applicants must show that prerequisite courses are complete or in progress with planned completion prior to the Fall start of HIM courses. 

Algebra for Coll. Stud. (3) (or higher math) 3
Statistics (3) 3
Human Anatomy & Physiology (8) 8
Computer Science

Applicants who already have completed an A.A. or an A.S from a N.J. community college may pursue the Solo Degree option. Students pursuing the Solo Degree option should follow course requirements outlined at the curriculum page: https://apps.shp.rutgers.edu/projects/CourseCatalog/RGs/RGview.cfm?pcode=HIM1 .

Students with an applied associate degree in health information technology may be able to transfer some of the course work into the bachelor’s degree.

Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED certificate and be computer literate as many courses in the program are online.

Applicants must have completed Anatomy and Physiology I & II with a grade of C or better prior to the start of program courses. Upon entry into the program, students will study disease pathology and the format and content of health records.

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*  Students who have attended a foreign college or university are required to submit an official English Translation of the academic credits from the World Education Service as well as an official transcript from their college.


SHP Tuition and Fees

For Tuition and Fees, please see the Undergraduate Tuition and Fees.
(Scroll down to 2023-2024 Rutgers Health Tuition and Fee Rates and click on School of Health Professions)
For Financial Aid information, please visit https://scarlethub.rutgers.edu/financial-services/information-for/rbhs-students/


The Bachelor of Science Health Information Management degree program consists of 61 credits which are taken after students have completed all required general education credits at a previous college/university or at one of our affiliates.  General education courses, completed prior to entry can range from 59-70 credits depending on the affiliate institution.

Those who have a B.S. degree can pursue a second B.S. degree or a 49-credit certificate that will make them eligible for the RHIA credential exam in HIM.

The Medical Coding certificate is a 21-credit curriculum for those who want to become medical coders in hospitals, physician offices, or insurance companies.

Students enter with 59 general education courses taken at another institution. They take 61 credits at SHP to complete their BS HIM degree.

Full-Time Curriculum and Cohort
Part-Time Curriculum and Cohort

Students take general education requirements at a partner school and then complete 61 credits at SHP to earn their B.S. degree.

Full-Time Curriculum and Cohort
Part-Time Curriculum and Cohort

Those with a previous bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution who do not wish to pursue a second degree may take fewer courses and receive a certificate in HIM.

Required Courses

This 61-credit program is for students who already have a bachelor’s degree from an accreditited institution.


In our fully online, 21-credit Medical Coding Certificate Program, students learn to classify medical data from inpatient, outpatient, and physician office records. The ability to effectively and efficiently code data is critical to medical research, medical and health education, and planning and monitoring public health.

A high need for qualified coders can mean flexible job hours, sign-on bonuses, and the potential to work from home. In addition, consulting and travel opportunities are abundant.

Students will study disease pathology and the format and content of health records. Graduates gain an in-depth knowledge of the ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, and CPT coding systems as well as reimbursement systems used in the United States.

Students who complete the coding certificate courses can continue on and achieve a Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management. All courses in the certificate program count toward the BS HIM degree.

Required courses click here.


The HIM program prepares the student to work in the business side of health care.

The broad nature of the curriculum in this program prepares graduates for more than 75 careers in all aspects of health care management in multiple venue such as hospitals, physician offices, insurance companies, and compliance offices.

Yes, Rutgers’ HIM program will consider transfer of health information courses (up to 50% of the total credit load, in addition to the general education requirements) depending on their alignment with health information management courses at Rutgers School of Health Professions.

For specific details, official transcripts are required for review.

Go to our Undergraduate Apply page and follow the guideline for applying. Request all prior transcripts be mailed to the address on the application and complete the essay stated on the application by May 1 for Fall admission.

Some courses are eligible for enrollment on a non-matriculating basis.  Student intending to apply for admissions are limited to 12 credits completed as a non-matriculating student.

Courses are offered mostly during the Fall and Spring semester, with select courses required during the Summer term; Students choose between a 2-year program or a 3-year program for the BSHIM.

Yes. The best source for financial aid information is at the Rutgers Student Financial Aid Office.

Yes. Rutgers University and the School of Health Professions offer a limited number of scholarship programs.

Scholarships for admitted HIM students are also offered by the American Health Information Management Association and the New Jersey Health Information Management Association.

Open House / Information Sessions

Our Faculty

Maria Caban Alizondo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Maria Carlo Unda, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Frederick Coffman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Lisa Cooper, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Suril Gohel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Thomas Hunt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Nadina Jose, MD

Dinesh Mital, Ph.D.

Antonina Mitrofanova, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Zhaomeng Niu
Assistant Professor