Coping after George Floyd

2020-06-04T13:22:43-04:00June 4, 2020|

Building Our Resilience During Adversity By Kenneth J. Gill, Ph.D Chairperson, Professor, Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions It’s now a cliché to say these are unprecedented times in our nation, but it is not an overstatement. We are facing a pandemic, the likes of which has not been seen in [...]

In solidarity

2020-06-03T20:02:51-04:00June 3, 2020|

We Stand in Solidarity Dear SHP Community, I am deeply disturbed and upset, as I know all of you are, about the horrifying and senseless death of George Floyd. I have cried many times over the course of this last week, tears of sorrow and anger. Grieving is justified and appropriate, but [...]


Class of 2020: Alex Olan, DPT

2020-05-19T13:41:09-04:00May 17, 2020|

Class of 2020: Alex Olan, DPT Alex Olan Both Leads and Serves As a Rutgers undergraduate, Alex Olan volunteered for a health care-related service project in Honduras, and the next two times, he led service trips to Panama and Nicaragua. It was no surprise that he jumped to volunteer for trip to [...]

Class of 2020: Josie Dudzik, MSCN’20

2020-05-17T09:12:54-04:00May 15, 2020|

Class of 2020: Josie Dudzik, MSCN’20 Nutrition Graduate Jumps into New Job in Midst of Pandemic She graduated in January, passed her registered dietitian exam in February, and the following month, began work at a hospital in Brooklyn-in one of the nation’s earliest pandemic hot spots. Josie Dudzik, MSCN ’20, was assigned [...]

Class of 2020: Jessica Easton, MSHM

2020-05-18T11:11:30-04:00May 15, 2020|

Class of 2020: Jessica Easton, MSHM Anything is Possible for Jessica Easton Jessica Easton was determined to graduate from her M.S. in Health Care Management degree program regardless of the obstacles put in her pathway. In December, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney failure and spent 10 days in the hospital [...]

PA students assisting in covid-19 study

2020-05-01T14:12:53-04:00May 1, 2020|

PA Students Participate in Pioneering COVID-19 Study As Rutgers University researchers launch an important clinical study tracing the spread and consequences of COVID-19 in healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers, Rutgers School of Health Professions Physician Assistant students are working right alongside them. The viral outbreak sidelined PA students from their clinical rotations, leaving some [...]