Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counseling
Graduate Certificates

Advance Your Career with Our Graduate and Entry-level Certificate Programs 

Our program provides career laddering opportunities, as graduate course credits of “B” or better are transferable to Rutgers School of Health Professions degree programs, if the student is accepted for matriculation.

As a student in one of these certificate programs, you are a non-matriculated student. Non-matriculated status is for individuals not currently admitted to any SHP program. Please follow this link for more information on non-matriculated status.

Post-Bachelor’s Certificate in Counseling

Our 12-credit Post Bachelor’s Certificate in Counseling is for professionals in the field who wish to increase their knowledge of counseling without taking a full master’s degree..


There is a rolling admission application process. As a prerequisite, students must hold a Bachelor’s degree.

  • For more information on the program, please email Dr. Janice Oursler at
  • For assistance with the application or registration process, please email Debbie Rich or Kristy Boyce.

You will receive email notification regarding your acceptance into the certificate program with instructions on how to proceed to register for classes and how to submit documentation that is required.


PSRT5102 Counseling Techniques I – 3 credits
This is an introductory course in basic counseling skills. The course focuses on client and counselor self-understanding and self-development in order to facilitate change.

PSRT5323 Theories of Counseling and Personality – 3 credits
Major theories of counseling and personality are studied with regard to key concepts, the therapeutic process, and applications in providing counseling services. The effectiveness, limitations, and appropriateness of these theories for helping diverse populations are examined.

PSRT5313 Foundations of the Counseling Profession – 3 credits
This course provides an overview of the foundations of the counseling profession including the history and philosophy of the field; counselor roles, functions and scope of practice; professional credentialing; public and private policy processes; counseling-related legislation; ethical standards and decision-making, and advocacy processes to address institutional and social barriers.

PSRT5123 Counseling and Case Management – 3 credits
The course develops counseling skills and provides information about the use of community resources to guide individuals successfully through the process of selecting valued roles in the community with emphasis on career from referral to case closure. Topics include methods and practices for interviewing, assessment, interdisciplinary consultation in both public and private settings. case management, and documentation.

Students who have previous coursework in one or more of these areas may substitute other courses by advisement. Other courses which may be considered for the certificate include:

PSRT5103 Human Growth and Development PSRT5201 Career Development Theory
PSRT5403 Career Counseling and Consultation PSRT5242 Group Methods
PSRT5030 Statistical and Research Methods PSRT5315 Evaluation and Assessment
PSRT5320 Social and Cultural Diversity Issues PSRT5132 Medical Aspects of Disability
PSRT5310 Psychopathology

Post-Master’s Certificate in Counseling

This certificate is designed for individuals who have a master’s degree in counseling or a related area and wish to complete additional specialized coursework to enhance professional credentials.

A minimum of nine credits is required. Courses are selected by advisement to meet student learning objectives. All courses must be taken for credit. Courses may be taken either on-campus or online.


There is a rolling admission application process. Students must hold a Master’s degree in counseling or a closely related field.

If you have any questions about this certificate program, please email Dr. Janice Oursler at For assistance with the application or registration process, please email Kristy Boyce at

You will receive email notification regarding your acceptance into the certificate program with instructions on how to submit required documentation and how to register for classes.


It is the responsibility of the student interested in obtaining professional credentials such as the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) credential or the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) credential to check directly with the source providing the credential regarding all requirements needed to qualify for the credential. Many credentials have other requirements such as supervised work experience in addition to educational requirements. Rutgers cannot assure that you will qualify for any license or credential upon completing the Certificate.

Applicants interested in meeting educational requirements to sit for the CRC examination under Category 3 of the Commission on Rehabilitation Counseling Certification (CRCC) eligibility requirements should check the CRCC web site at for a list of approved fields of study for Category 3 eligibility and to review the educational requirements.

It is essential to check with CRCC about what courses will be needed to meet Category 3 requirements in light of previous course work you have completed before starting to take courses for this certificate.

CRCC offers a pre-review of Category 3 applicant transcripts for a small fee. Applicants under Category 3 must also meet CRCC requirements for work experience.


Financial Support

Financial aid is unavailable for non-matriculated students. Payment in full is required at time of application/registration. Appropriate authorized vouchers from third party payers (e.g. government agencies, employers, etc.) are accepted and must be filed with the Center for Advanced and Continuing Education office before registration deadlines.