William Waynor, Ph.D.
My research program has grown out of my vision to determine the nature and relationship of employment and career goals on the recovery process for people living with serious mental health conditions. I have examined several theoretical models, including Social Cognitive Career Theory, Self-efficacy theory, State Hope theory and the Illness Identity Model of Recovery in community-based evidence-based practice programs that serve individual’s living with serious mental health conditions.
Further, this work includes studying clinical variables such as psychiatric symptoms and diagnoses, on both career, and personal recovery for people living with serious mental health conditions. I have worked with Dr. Weili Lu on a NIDDILR funded project as the Co-PI. We developed a CBT intervention which focused on teaching the skill of cognitive restructuring for individuals with co-occurring PTSD and serious mental health conditions in evidence-based supported employment services.
Currently, my focus has evolved from studying evidence-based practice programs that serve individuals living with serious mental health conditions in the community to a focus on academic program evaluation.
My current work includes the continuation of examining Social Cognitive Career theory, Self-efficacy theory and State Hope theory with a student population, and the utilization of qualitative research methods.
Keywords: Recovery, Hope, Self-efficacy, Career Development, Undergraduate Education
Title: The Role of Self-efficacy in Employment Tenure for Persons with Serious Mental Illness
Sponsor: UMDNJ-Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions, Center for the Promotion of Recovery
Brief Overview of Aims: This study examined the role of the social-cognitive variable self-efficacy on employment success in evidence-based supported employment programs in New Jersey.
Funding Period: 10/1/06-5/1/12
Total Dollar Amount: $10,500
Role: Principal Investigator
Title: The Role of Hope and Self-efficacy in Predicting Career-oriented Success Among Individuals Receiving Assertive Community Treatment
Sponsor: Rutgers, SHP Dean’s Research Grant
Brief Overview of Aims: This study examined the relationship between social cognitive variables, internalized stigma and psychiatric symptoms with individuals receiving evidence-based Assertive Community Treatment services in New Jersey.
Funding Period: 7/1/15-6/30/18
Total Dollar Amount: $18,000
Role: Principal Investigator
Title: Treating the Hidden Barriers to Employment: Integrated treatment for PTSD in Supported Employment
Sponsor: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, H133G140040
Brief Overview of Aims: This randomized controlled study assessed the impact of a cognitive behavioral group intervention among individuals living with co-occurring mental health conditions and PTSD who were receiving evidence-based supported employment services.
Funding Period: 10/1/14-9/30/17
Total Dollar Amount: $600,000
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
UMDNJ-SHP Graduate student research award.
RBHS-SHP Outstanding clinical performance award for the Ph.D. in Psychiatric Rehabilitation program.
Selected Publications
Waynor, W. R., Eissenstat, S. J., Karyczak, S., Reinhardt-Wood, D., & Taylor, E. (2020). A mediation model: Fighting internalized stigma to create hope for people living with serious mental illness. Journal of Rehabilitation, 86(4), 42-47.
Waynor, W. R., Eissenstat, S. J., Yanos, P. T., Reinhardt-Wood, D., & Taylor, E., Karyczak, S., Lu, W. (2019). The Role of Illness Identity in Assertive Community Treatment. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, doi: 10.1177/0034355521988691
Lu, W., Waynor, W. R., Yanos, P. T., Reilly, A., Stone, B., Bazan, C., & Giocobbe, G. (2017). The hidden barrier to employment: Untreated and undiagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Rehabilitation, 83(2), 11-16.
Waynor, W. R., Gill, K. J., Reinhardt-Wood, D., Nanni, G. S., & Gao, N. (2017). The role of educational attainment in supported employment. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 61(2), 121-127. doi: 10.1177/00343355217722024
Waynor, W. R., Gill, K. J., & Gao, N. (2016). The role of work-related self-efficacy in supported employment success for people living with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 39(1), 62-67.