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Qinyin Qiu, Ph.D.

Qinyin Qiu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Rehabilitation and Movement Sciences
Program: NeuroRehabilitation Laboratory
Phone: (908) 217-6290
Email: qinyin.qiu@rutgers.edu
Office location:
Department of Rehabilitation and Movement Sciences
200 College Drive – Jefferson Hall
Blackwood, NJ 08012



B.S., Hangzhou Electrical Institute of Technology, China
M.S., University of Southern California

Professional Achievements



Title Authors Where and When
Virtual Rehabilitation of the Paretic Hand and Arm in Persons With Stroke: Translation From Laboratory to Rehabilitation Centers and the Patient’s Home
Fluet G, Qiu Q, Patel J, Mont A, Cronce A, Yarossi M, Merians A, Adamovich S
Front Neurol. 2021 Jan 28;12:623261
Hand Focused Upper Extremity Rehabilitation in the Subacute Phase Post-stroke Using Interactive Virtual Environments
Merians AS, Fluet GG, Qiu Q, Yarossi M, Patel J, Mont AJ, Saleh S, Nolan KJ, Barrett AM, Tunik E, Adamovich SV
Front Neurol. 2020 Nov 26;11:573642
Development of the Home based Virtual Rehabilitation System (HoVRS) to remotely deliver an intense and customized upper extremity training
Qiu Q, Cronce A, Patel J, Fluet GG, Mont AJ, Merians AS, Adamovich SV
J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2020 Nov 23;17(1):155
Intensive virtual reality and robotic based upper limb training compared to usual care, and associated cortical reorganization in the acute and early sub-acute periods post-stroke
Patel J, Fluet G, Qiu Q, Yarossi M, Merians A, Tunik E, Adamovich S
A feasibility study. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 2019, 16:92
The association between Reorganization of bilateral M1 topography and function in response to early intensive hand focused upper limb rehabilitation following stroke is dependent on ipsilesional corticospinal tract integrity
Yarossi M, Patel J, Qiu Q, Massood S, Fluet G, Merians A, Adamovich S, Tunik E
Frontiers in Neurology 2019; 10:258
HoVRS: Home-based Virtual Rehabilitation System
Qiu Q, Cronce A, Patel J, Fluet G, Mont A, Merians A, Adamovich S
(2019) RESNA 2019 conference abstracts, Assistive Technology, 31:5, 231-250
Neural Patterns of Reorganization after Intensive Robot-Assisted Virtual Reality Therapy and Repetitive Task Practice in Patients with Chronic Stroke
Saleh S, Fluet GG, Qiu Q, Merians A, Adamovich SV, Tunik E
Frontiers in Neurology 2017; 8:452
Motor skill changes and neurophysiologic adaptation to recovery-oriented virtual rehabilitation of hand function in a person with subacute stroke: a case study
Fluet G, Patel J, Qiu Q, Yarossi M, Adamovich S, Tunik E, Massood S, Merians A
Disability and Rehabilitation. 2017; 39 (15):1524-1531.
Virtual reality-augmented rehabilitation in the acute phase post-stroke for individuals with flaccid upper extremities: A feasibility study
Patel J, Merians A, Qiu Q, Yarossi M, Adamovich S, Tunik E, Massood S, Fluet G
Disability and Rehabilitation. 2017; 39(15):1515-1523
Exploring the impact of visual and movement based priming on a motor intervention in the acute phase post-stroke in persons with severe hemiparesis of the upper extremity
Patel J, Qiu Q, Yarossi M, Merians A, Massood S, Tunik E, Adamovich S, Fluet G
Disabil Rehabil. Disabil Rehabil. 2017 Jul; 39(15): 1515-1523.
Does training with traditionally presented and virtually-simulated tasks elicit differing changes in object interaction kinematics in persons with upper extremity hemiparesis?
Fluet GG, Merians AS, Qiu Q, Rohafaza M, Van Wingerden A, et al
Top Stroke Rehabil. 2015 (3):176-84
Comparing integrated training of the hand and arm with isolated training of the same effectors in persons with stroke using haptically rendered virtual environments, a randomized clinical trial
Fluet G., Merians A.S., Qiu Q., Davidow A., Adamovich S.V
J Neuroeng Rehab, 2014, 11(1):126.
Correlations between statistical models of robotically collected kinematics and clinical measures of upper extremity function
Rohafza M., Fluet G.G., Qiu Q., Adamovich S.V
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012; 4120-4123.
Robots integrated with virtual reality simulations for customized motor training in a person with upper extremity hemiparesis: a case study
Fluet G.G., Merians A.S., Qiu, Q., Saleh S., Lafond I., Ruano V., Delmonico A.R., Adamovich S.V.
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 2012; 36(2):79-86.
Classification of hand preshaping in persons with stroke using Linear Discriminant Analysis
25. Puthenveettil S., Fluet G., Qiu Q., Adamovich S.
In Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc. 2012; 4563-4566.
Classification of hand preshaping in persons with stroke using Linear Discriminant Analysis
Puthenveettil S., Fluet G., Qiu Q., Adamovich S
In Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc. 2012; 4563-4566.
Learning in a Virtual Environment Using Haptic Systems for Movement Re-Education: Can This Medium Be Used for Remodeling Other Behaviors and Actions?
26. Merians A.S., Fluet G.G., Qiu Q., Saleh S., Lafond I., Adamovich S.V
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 5:301-308, 2011
Haptically facilitated bimanual training combined with augmented visual feedback in moderate to severe hemiplegia
Boos A., Qiu Q., Fluet G.G., Adamovich S.V
In Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc. 2011; 3111-3114.
A comparison of motor adaptations to robotically facilitated upper extremity task practice demonstrated by children with cerebral palsy and adults with stroke
Qiu Q., Adamovich S., Saleh S., Lafond I., Merians A.S., Fluet G.G
In Conf Proc IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2011; 5975431.
Robotically Facilitated Virtual Rehabilitation of Arm Transport Integrated With Finger Movement in Persons with Hemiparesis
Merians A.S., Fluet G.G., Qiu Q., Saleh S., Lafond I., Adamovich S.V
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 8:27, 2011
Integrated versus isolated training of the hemiparetic upper extremity in haptically rendered virtual environments
Qiu Q., Fluet G.G., Saleh S., Lafond I., Merians A.S., Adamovich S.V
In Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc. 2010; 2255-2258
Interfacing a haptic robotic system with complex virtual environments to treat impaired upper extremity motor function in children with cerebral palsy
Fluet G.G., Qiu Q., Ramirez D.A., Saleh S., Parikh H.D., Kelly D., Adamovich S
Developmental NeuroRehabilitation. 2010; 13:335-345.
Robot-Assisted Virtual Rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with upper extremity hemiplegia
Fluet G.G., Qiu Q., Saleh S., Ramirez D., Adamovich S., Kelly D., Parikh H
Conf Proc Virtual Rehabilitation 2009, Haifa, Israel, August 4, 2009, 189-192.
Design of a complex virtual reality simulation to train finger motion for persons with hemiparesis: A feasibility study
Adamovich S.V., Fluet G.G., Mathai A., Qiu Q., Lewis J., Merians A.S
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 2009, Jul 17; 6:28
Coordination changes demonstrated by subjects with hemiparesis performing hand-arm training using the NJIT-RAVR robotically assisted virtual rehabilitation system
Qiu Q., Fluet G., Lafond I., Merians A.S., Adamovich S.V
In Conf. Proc. IEEE Engineering Med. Biol. Soc. 2009; 1143-1146.
Incorporating Haptic Effects into Virtual Environments to Train the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity
Adamovich S., Fluet G., Merians A.S., Mathai A., Qiu Q.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2009; Oct; 17(5):512-520
The New Jersey Institute of Technology Robot-Assisted Virtual Rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with cerebral palsy: A feasibility study
Qiu Q., Ramirez D.A., Saleh S., Fluet G.G., Parikh H.D., Kelly D., Adamovich S
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 2009; Nov 16;6:40.
Recovery of Hand Function in Virtual Reality: Training Hemiparetic Hand and Arm Together or Separately
27. Adamovich S., Fluet G.G., Merians A.S., Mathai A., Qiu Q
In Proceedings: In Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc. 2008, pp.3475-3478.
Strategies for Incorporating Bilateral Training into a Virtual Environment
Merians A.S., Lewis J., Qiu Q., Fluet G., Talati B. and Adamovich S
IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering-CME2007, May 2007, Beijing, China pp.1272-1276
Design of a Virtual Reality-Based System for Hand and Arm Rehabilitation
28. Adamovich S., Qiu Q., Talati B., Fluet G. and Merians A.S.
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, June 2007, Netherlands, pp. 958-963