Review Course

Welcome to the RU Physician Assistant PANCE/PANRE Board Review Course,
we are excited for you to join us!

The course has sold out in previous years, so we strongly recommend registering early!

For additional information on the registration process, please call Melissa Eiseman or Nkechi Mbadugha at (732) 235-4445 or email:

Live Course/Live Stream

The course has sold out in previous years, so we strongly recommend registering early!

For additional information on the registration process, please call Melissa Eiseman or Nkechi Mbadugha at (732) 235-4445 or email:

The Live (in-person) course OR Online (virtual) Course Dates:
May 12th-15th, 2025

Early Registration: 10/1/24 to 2/2/25
Regular Registration: 2/2/25 to 4/19/25

Asynchronous Course
If you’re unable to attend the live in-person or livestream sessions, you can still participate by accessing the course asynchronously at your convenience.

Register Here

Course Information

Course Goals 

  • Facilitate a comprehensive review of medicine to enhance PANCE/PANRE performance
  • Administer four clinically focused exams developed in accordance with the NCCPA blueprint
  • Furnish individualized analyses of exam performance based on NCCPA identified Organ Systems and Task Areas
  • Provide a comprehensive electronic study guide

Course Schedule

The course schedule will be posted soon.

Course Faculty

Our review course is developed and provided by experienced PA educators with an average of more than 10 years in PA education. We know what information PAs need to be successful.

Examination Analyses

We offer our course attendees the unique opportunity for individual analyses to help guide PANCE/PANRE preparation. At the end of each of the course days, a 100 question examination is offered on Canvas for in-person and livestream participants. All participants who complete the four examinations are provided immediate feedback on their responses with full explanations for each of the options, both correct and incorrect on Canvas for in-person and livestream participants.

CME Credit 

This activity has been approved for a maximum of 71.25 AAPA Category 1 CME credits* (31.25 credits will be awarded for the live/webinar course AND an additional 40 self-assessment credits for completing the four comprehensive exams)!

*NCCPA will automatically award 50% extra credit to the self-assessment credits, totaling a maximum of 91.25 credits.

To learn more, contact:

Melissa Eiseman
Nkechi Mbadugha

For Institutional Pricing, contact:

Jessica Gomes, Ph.D.

Course Schedule & Registration

The course schedule can be located here.


RU Physician Assistant PANCE/PANRE Board Review Course Registration

The course has sold out in previous years, so we strongly recommend registering early!

For additional information on the registration process, please call Melissa Eiseman or Nkechi Mbadugha at (732) 235-4445 or email:

The Live (in-person) course OR Online (virtual) Course Dates:


May 12th-15th, 2025

Early Registration: 10/1/24 to 2/2/25
Regular Registration: 2/2/25 to 4/19/25


Registration and Fees 

Click on the desired course title below and register.

LIVE (In-Person) Registration and Rates 
regster here
regster here
regster here
ONLINE (Virtual) Registration and Rates
register here
register here
register here
Asynchronous (At Your Convenience)
register here
register here
register here
Please contact us via email if you were unable to register prior to the closing date.

For a group discount of 5 or more attendees, please contact Melissa Eiseman at (732) 235-4445 or

The registration fee includes tuition, four exams with individual analyses, daily coffee/tea, continental breakfast, lunch, and a comprehensive electronic study guide. A CME Certificate of Attendance will be issued at the end of the course.

We are pleased to offer discounted rates for Rutgers PA Program clinical preceptors and lecturers, as well as faculty from other PA programs. Please contact Melissa Eiseman or Nkechi Mbadugha at

Lecture Materials

As part of our Green Initiative, lecture materials will be made available online prior to and during the conference. Hard copies can be purchased prior to the conference for a $75 fee ONLY for those attending in-person.

Hotel Accommodations

There are several hotels within driving distance of the medical school. There is a special Rutgers discounted rate at the following hotels:

Rutgers Inn & Conference Center

How to Make Reservations
  • Guests can visit our website at to make reservations.
  • On our home page, click on “Book a Room”, enter the Arrival and Departure Dates and the number of Guests.  Be sure to enter the following code in the Promo/Group Code Box.  The code is RWJV for one night and RWJV2 for two nights, please see the rates below.  As long as rooms are available, this rate will be extended.
Rate Details
  • Use Code RWJV for a one-night stay at $83.20 (plus applicable taxes) for single or double occupancy. Triple and quad will be an additional $10 per person. This reflects a 20% discount from our published rack rate.
  • Special 2 day promotion – Stay 2 nights and receive an even deeper discount.  $140.00 for a 2 night stay.  Use Code RWJV2 and as long as you enter a stay of more than 2 days, the special promotion will populate the booking engine.
  • Flexible cancellation terms are attached to this rate. Guests may cancel their reservation up to 4pm on the day before arrival without a cancellation fee.
  • We are happy to provide visitors with a “Welcome Bag” containing directions to the interview location, area information, and a snack.  If you would like to add a giveaway item, please let us know.


Additional Accommodations

Embassy Suites
121 Centennial Avenue
Piscataway, NJ
(732) 980-0500 – (link includes Rutgers rate)
Radisson Hotel
21 Kingsbridge Road
Piscataway, NJ
(732) 980-0400
To reserve a room at Radisson Hotel, please contact the hotel directly and request the Rutgers rate.

As part of our Green Initiative, lecture materials will be made available online prior to and during the conference.  Hard copies can be purchased prior to the conference for a $75 fee ONLY for those attending in-person.


Complimentary event parking is available. Additional specific information about which parking lot to use during the conference will be sent to the email address you registered with prior to the start of the conference, including a Parking Services link for online vehicle parking registration.

Cancellation Policy

A full refund will be issued with less than a $50.00 cancellation fee will be charged if notice is received by April 25th, 2024; no refund if cancellation is requested after that time.