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Janice Oursler, Ph.D.

Placeholder for Janice Oursler, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling
Program: Rehabilitation Counseling
Administrative Title: Program Director (NJEA)
Phone: (908) 889-9246
Email: ourslejd@shp.rutgers.edu
Office Address:
Research Tower-Busch Campus
675 Hoes Lane West, 8th Floor
Piscataway, NJ 08854


Dr. Janice Oursler is the Program Director for the Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling. She also teaches many of the courses in the program. Dr. Oursler has a Ph.D. in Counselor Education from St. John’s University . She is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner (CPRP). She has been a recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award from UMDNJ’s School of Health Related Professions.
Before starting her academic career, Janice worked for the New York State Office of Mental Health for many years. She also has work experience as a rehabilitation counselor and as a supervisor of rehabilitation counselors for the state vocational rehabilitation services agency in New York .


Ph.D., St. John’s University

Professional Achievements

Who’s Who Hall of Fame Citation, 2005
Excellence in Teaching Award, 2004
President’s Award, 2002
Special Recognition Award, 2001


Effective Dates
Long Term Training Grant for Rehabilitation of Individuals who are Mentally Ill $500,000
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
2009 – Ongoing
Long Term Training Grant for Rehabilitation Counseling $750,000
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
2008 – Ongoing
Long Term Training Grant for Rehabilitation of Individuals who are Mentally Ill
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
2005 – Ongoing
Recruitment for Careers in Rehabilitation Counseling Project $18,000
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
2004 – 2008
Long Term Training Grant for Rehabilitation Counseling $500,000
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
2000 – 2005
Training Project in Intensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation $45,000
Iowa Consortium
1998 – 1998
Library Computerization Project at Bronx Psychiatric Center $10,000
New York State Office of Mental Health
1987 – 1987
Horticultural Greenhouse Program at Bronx Psychiatric Center
New York State Office of Mental Health
1986 – 1986
Peer Counseling Project for Mentally Ill Chemical Abusers $40,000
New York State Office of Mental Health Bureau of Psychiatric Rehabilitation
1993 – 1995
Family Support Research and Demonstration Project Site at Kings Park Psychiatric Center $30,000
New York State Office of Mental Health Research Foundation
1985 – 1986


Title   Authors   Where and When
Feasibility of work-related interviewing and conversational skills trainings for individuals with psychiatric disabilities
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S. J., Gao, N., Beninato, J., Bazan, C., Hill, K., & Minor, T.
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 67(2), 83-161, 2024; https://doi-org.proxy.libraries.rutgers.edu/10.1177/00343552221102
Healing trauma while staying at home: Using telehealth to conduct a brief treatment program for post-traumatic stress disorder
Lu, W., Caldwell, B., Gao, N., Oursler, J., Wang, K., Beninato, J., Srijeyanthan, J., Kumi, C., Sawyer, J., Giacobbe, G., Chen, Y., Lin, K. W.-R., & Mueser, K. T.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 2023; https://doi.org/10.3928/02793695-20231205-01
Comparing telehealth-based vs. in-person soft skills training for persons with disabilities during COVID-19: A pilot Study
Lu, W., Oursler J., Herrick, S., Gao N., Diviney, J., Beninato, J., Minor, T., Wang, K., Santiago, G., & Parrott, J. S.
Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 2023; https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922/2022.2158973
Conversational skills at work: Teaching small talk via tele-health to individuals with disabilities
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S. J., Gao, N., Beninato, J., Minor, T., Eissenstat, S., Harosh, A. S., Wang, K., Diviney, J., Schultz, E., Silva, J., & Lee, D.
Journal of Employment Counseling, 2023; https://doi.org/ 10.1002/joec.12217
Focus groups on employment related soft skills for transition age youth with disabilities.
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Gao, N., Herrick, S., Mariani, J., Diviney, J., Socha, C., & Beninato, J.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 59(2), 123-137., 2023; https://doi.org/ 10.3233/JVR-230033
Responding to feedback: Employment-related soft skills for persons with disabilities.
Lu, W., Oursler, J, Herrick, S., Gao, N., Wang, K., Beninato, J., Minor, T., Franco, S., & Jackson, S.
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 54(3), 229-247, 2023; https://doi.org/10.1891/JARC-2022-0017
Healing trauma while staying at home: Using telehealth to conduct a brief treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder
Lu, W., Caldwell, B., Gao, N., Oursler, J., Wang, K., Beninato, J., Srijeyanthan, J., Kumi, C., Sawyer, J., Giacobbe, G., Chen, Y., Lin, K. W.-R., & Mueser, K. T.
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 62(7), 1–46, 2023; https://doi.org/10.3928/02793695-20231205-01
Positive PTSD screening and its health correlates in patients with HIV in urban primary care settings
Lu, W., Bullock, D., Ruszczyk, L., Ettinger, S., Srijeyanthan, J., Caldwell, B., Oursler, J., Minor, T., Beninato, J., & Hauck, E.
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 1-, 2023; https://doi.org/10.3928/02793695-20231206-03
Asking for help: Employment-related soft skills training for persons with disabilities.
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S., Gao, N., Beninato, J., Durante, A., Gbadamosi, S., & Minor, S.
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 53(4), 266-278, 2022; https://doi.org/10.1891/JARC-2021-0002
Interview skills training for people with neurodevelopmental disorders receiving vocational services: A pilot study
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S. J., Gao, N., Beninato, J., Minor, T., Franco, S., Santiago, G., Tatiana, M., & Hauck, E.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 57(2) 197-206, 2022; https://doi.org/10.3233/JVR-221210
Service needs assessment of employment-related soft skills for transition age youth with disabilities
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Gao, N., Herrick, S., Mariani, J., Socha, C., & Beninato, J.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 56(1), 69-79, 2022; https://doi.org/ 10.3233/JVR-211173.
A study of work-related interview skills training for people with visual impairments
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S., Socha, C., Zaher, A., Harris, K., & Beninato, J.
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 53(2), 2022; https://10.1891/JARC-D-20-00041
Work-related conversational skills training for persons with autism
Herrick, S., Lu, W., Oursler, J., Beninato, J., Gbadamosi, S., Durante, A., & Myers, E.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 57, 113-126, 2022; https://doi.org/10.3233/JVR-221203
Rehabilitation counseling students’ attitudes toward sex offenders with mental illnesses
LaCon, L. M., Spagnolo, A., Parrott, J. S., Oursler, J., & Morris, M.
Journal of Rehabilitation, 88(3), 50-59, 2022; https://search-ebscohost-com.proxy.libraries. rutgers.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=163008350&site=ehost-live
Work-related interview skills training for persons served by vocational rehabilitation agencies in four states
Oursler, J., Lu, W., Gao, N., Herrick, S., Beninato, J., Hill, K., & Durante, A.
Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 36(2), 132-145, 2021; https://doi.org/10.1891/RE-20-23
Integrating behavioral health into primary care: The role of psychiatric nursing in the development of the interprofessional team
Caldwell, B.A., Alessi, E. J., DiGiulio, M., Findley, P. Oursler, J., & Wagner, M.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 42(8), 758-767, 2021; https://doi.org/10.1080/01612840.2020.1867676
Work-Related interview skills training for persons with substance use disorders
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S. J., Beninato, J., Gao, N., Brown, L., & Durante, A.
Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 46(2), 146-160, 2021; https://doi.org/ 10.1080/01933922.2021.1900959
Direct skills teaching of work-related conversational skills for individuals with disabilities
Lu, W., Oursler, J., Herrick, S., Durante, A., Socha, C., & Crisafulli, G.
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 2019; https://doi.org/10.1177/0034355219878501
Using Direct Skills Teaching to improve job skills for persons with disabilities
Oursler, J., Lu, W., Herrick, S., & Harris, K.
Journal of Employment Counseling, 56, 70-84, 2019; https://doi.org/10.1002/joec.12113
Measuring practitioners’ beliefs, goals and practices in psychiatric rehabilitation
Casper, E.S., Oursler, J., Schmidt, L.T. & Gill, K.J.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Vol. 25: 223-234 (2002 )
Effectiveness of a low cost curriculum among entry-level psychiatric rehabilitation workers
Casper, E.S., McNelis, D., Carey, V., & Oursler, J.
Psychiatric Services. Vol. 58 (3): 409-414 (2007 )
Assessing client satisfaction with vocational rehabilitation services: A focus group project.
Nalven, E.B., Oursler, J., Green, W. & Cordiero, N.
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Vol. 8: 63-80 (2005 )
The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Beliefs, Goals and Practices Scale: Sensitivity to change
Casper, E.S. & Oursler, J.D.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Vol. 26: 311-314 (2003 )
Measuring practitioners’ beliefs, goals and practices in psychiatric rehabilitation
Casper, E.S., Oursler, J., Schmidt, L.T. & Gill, K.J.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Vol. 25: 223-234 (2002 )
A Peer Counseling Program. In C.T. Mowbry, D.P. Moxley, C.A. Jasper & L.L. Howell (Eds.), Consumers as providers in psychiatric rehabilitation
Oursler, J.
Vol. : 224-237 (1997 )
Creating an outpatient data file: A tool for program planning. In J. Franks & M. Levine (Eds.), Eighth annual proceedings: Multi-state information system national users group
Orvieto, A., Oursler, J., Mittleman, M., McGill, M. & Gobbo, M.
Vol. : 156-163 (1984 )