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Albert Heuer, Ph.D.

Albert Heuer, Ph.D.
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Program: Health Care Management
Phone: (973) 972-2418
Email: heueraj@rutgers.edu
Office location:
Stanley S. Bergen Building, Room 322
65 Bergen Street
Newark, NJ 07107


Albert J. Heuer, Ph.D., MBA, RRT joined the Rutgers-SHP (formerly UMDNJ) faculty in 1996 and is currently an Professor within the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Respiratory Care Program. He designs and teaches courses related to health care management and respiratory care. Dr. Heuer was inducted into the Rutgers Master Educator Guild in 2012 and is the recipient of the 2008 SHP Excellence in Teaching Award.
After a career in finance and administration, Dr. Heuer entered the field of respiratory care in 1993. He continues to work in a variety of clinical settings; most notably in acute care. He earned a B.A. degree from Montclair State University in 1980, an MBA from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1986 and a Ph.D. in Graduate Medical Education in 2002 from Seton Hall University, with a concentration in institutional healthcare quality.. Dr. Heuer has recently authored one textbook and co-edited two other textbooks, authored numerous articles and book chapters, and has conducted an array of invited presentations relating to respiratory therapy and health care administration.
Dr. Heuer has also served on the Newark Campus IRB from 2000-2012, as well as chairing and serving on multiple standing and ad-hoc committees at SHP and Rutgers.


B.A. , Montclair State University, 1980
MBA, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1986
Ph.D., Seton Hall university, 2002

Professional Achievements

Fellow – American Association of Respiratory Care-Inductee, 2016
Rutgers–Master Educator Guild — Inductee, 2012
SHRP Excellence in Teaching Award, 2008
State of New Jersey Puritan Bennett Outstanding Student Award, 1995
Academic Excellence Award-UMDNJ Respiratory Care Program, 1994


Research Interests
Health care quality management and the relationship amongst various indicators on institutional healthcare quality.
Respiratory Therapy
Effective Dates
Developement of a Computer-based Computer Simulator.
Academic Information Technology Advisory Committee
2006 – Ongoing
Principal Investigator
Asthma Education Program for Inner-City Children in New Jersey
Schering Plough Pharm
2005 – Ongoing
Principal Investigator


Title Authors Where and When
Egan’s Fundamentals of respiratory Care, 11th Ed., St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby, 2017 (Textbook)
Kacmarek, R; Stoller, J; Heuer, AJ
Textbook 2017
Examining the Phenomenon of the Administrative Burden in Health Care, Allied Health, and Respiratory Care
Heuer, AJ; Parrott, JS; Percival, D & Kacmarek, RM
Journal of Allied Health. Vol. 45: 152-156 (2016 Summer )
Inspiratory muscle strength relative to disease severity in adults with stable cystic fibrosis
Dekerlegand, R; Hadjiliadis, D; Swisher, AK; Parrott, JS; Heuer, AJ & Myslinski, MJ
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis Vol 44,87-94, (2015)
Wilkins, RL, Dexter, JR and Heuer, AJ, Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, 7th Ed., St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby, 2013 (Textbook)
Heuer, AJ; Scanlan, CL
(2013 )
Electronic Screening of patients for prodisposition to Clostridium difficile infection in a community hospital
Cooper, PB; Heuer, AJ; Warren CA
American Journal of Infection Control. Vol. 41(3): 232-5 (2013)
Egan’s Fundamentals of respiratory Care, 10th Ed., St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby, 2012 (Textbook)
Kacmarek, R; Stoller, J; Heuer, AJ
Introducing Medical Students to the Interdisciplinary Health Care Team: Piloting a Case-based Approach
Heuer, AJ, et al
Journal of Allied Health. Vol. 39: 76-80 (2010 Summer )
Scanlan, CL, Heuer, AJ and Sinopoli, L, Certified Respiratory Therapist Exam Review Guide: The Ultimate Review Guide for the CRT Exam, 1st Ed., Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2010. (Textbook).
Scanlan, Heuer & Sinopoli
Wilkins, RL, Dexter, JR and Heuer, AJ, Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care, 6th Ed., St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby, 2009 (Textbook).
Wilkins, Dexter & Heuer
Current Trends in Healthcare Quality
Heuer, AJ
Journal for Respiratory Care & Sleep Medicine. Vol. : (2006 Spring )
Hospital Accreditation and Patient Satisfaction: Testing the Relationship
Heuer, AJ
Journal for Healthcare Quality. Vol. 26: 46-51 (2004)
Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Informatics in Respiratory Care
Heuer, AJ
Advance for Respiratory Care Practitioners. Vol. 15: 17-19 (2002 September)