For more information, contact:
Riva Touger-Decker
Associate Dean of Global Affairs, SHP
Director, Division of Nutrition, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Phone: (973)-468-5956
Email: decker@rutgers.edu
Global Affairs
Rutgers Joins the International Academic Partnerships Program – Greece
Advancing health communication research, education, and practice across health professions in Greece and the U.S. is the core objective of the faculty representing Rutgers University (Rutgers-New Brunswick and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences) as a new member of the International Academic Partnerships Program – Greece.
Designed to promote international collaboration between U.S. and Greek institutions of higher education, the IAPP-Greece is an academic incubator program sponsored in 2020 by the Greek Ministry of Education, the U.S. Department of Education, the Institute of International Education, and the Fulbright Foundation, among other organizations.
Rutgers’ IAPP-Greece initiative is co-led by the School of Communication and Information and the School of Health Professions, with the support of Rutgers Global.
Visit the Rutgers IAPP Website to learn more about the collaborations between SHP, SCI, and our partners in Greece.
e-Symposium by Rutgers University & Democritus University
Interprofessional Education and Communication in Health Care – Experiences & Challenges in the U.S. & Greece
Monday, November 20, 2023
9AM-12:15PM EST (U.S.)