Rutgers Speech-Language Pathology Clinic

Free assessment and treatment for the Newark community                         Vista En Español
Rutgers Speech-Language Pathology Clinic
100% free assessment and intervention services for speech, language, communication, voice, and feeding and swallowing needs, regardless of insurance or documentation status.
Services available in Spanish, English, and American Sign Language (ASL).
One-on-one and small-group sessions available.
The RU-SLP Clinic is associated with the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology program. Services are provided by master’s level students under the supervision of NJ licensed and ASHA certified speech-language pathologists.
The Rutgers University Speech-Language Pathology Clinic prides itself on providing respectful and affirming services to individuals from any/all backgrounds, including those of diverse racial, ethnic, religious, gender, language, and other minoritized backgrounds.